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From 'Corporate high-flyer' to 21st Century Caveman.  
How I beat Multiple Sclerosis. 

In 2007 I was diagnosed with an 'aggressive form of multiple sclerosis which is a degenerative autoimmune disease which can result in devastating debilitation, and even paralysis.  At the time I was fulfilling my lifelong dream of running my own business, a highly successful award winning company in Sydney, Australia which I started in 2001, at just twenty-three years of age.  

As the company grew, so did the stress and in 2008 I suffered a severe lapse that left the right hand side of my body temporarily paralysed - a totally life changing experience. 


The advice from several neurologists was: 


"In my professional opinion, 'slow down', there is a severe risk you will be in a wheelchair for your thirty-fifth birthday."  - I had only just turned thirty years old.


A risk I was not prepared to take, this soon became the catalyst to change my lifestyle.  I was committed to becoming an expert in my own condition which through vast research lead me to the discovery of 'the paleo diet', which has positively changed my life.  A complete and utter paradigm shift; imagine an Italian coming to terms with not eating processed food such as pasta or bread?!!  


Committed to the paleo diet, my lifestyle soon changed for the better.   In 2013, the year it was anticipated I may become wheelchair bound, I completed several endurance events and followed 'Le Tour de France' for a week on my bike with my brother.  I've continued to maintain an active lifestyle, completing marathons, participated in iron-man triathlons, and enjoyed many other events continuing to live a healthy, fulfilling and active lifestyle, feeling fitter and healthier than ever before. 


In 2015 I spent nine months converting The Rockhouse Retreat, an 800 year old cave house into Britain's first 21st century cave house which was an incredibly physical challenge and cemented my aspiration to inspire others to improve their quality of life through the adoption of the paleo diet, primal fitness and a more active lifestyle, and hence 'The Paleo Retreat' was conceived.   


"I'm truly a 21st century caveman in more ways than one.  Adopting a paleo diet has vastly improved my quality of life, I have more positive energy and feel fitter and healthier than ever before"  

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